Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare
Mother Goose Nurseries are committed to taking whatever action we can to protect children in our care from coming to harm. All staff have attended health and safety training, and risk assessments are systematically undertaken to ensure that the children’s safety is maximised. Staff members with a paediatric first-aid qualification are present in the nursery at all times.
Risk Assessment
We carry out regular risk assessments, to identify any potential risk and then take action to minimize these.
Health & Safety
In each of the nurseries, health, safety and every child’s well-being are high priorities. We work in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, which sets out a number of requirements relating to the safety and suitability of premises, environments, and equipment.
Sick Children and Accidents
Should a child become unwell or have an accident while at the nursery, the nurseries have procedures in place to ensure that children receive prompt attention and parents informed.
Food Hygiene
Staff have undertaken food hygiene training, and the kitchens conform to Southwark’s environmental health standards.
Safety & Security
Nursery premises are secure and procedures are in place to ensure unauthorised people do not have access to the children. Staff are familiar with safeguarding procedures as they relate to children, and will pass on any concerns they have about a child’s welfare or safety to the local authority
Recruiting our staff
We have rigorous recruitment and vetting procedures in place, to ensure the suitability of all staff working with the children. This includes obtaining a Disclosure and Barring Service check for all staff.